Wipe the slate clean

If you could start again from the beginning what would you do? If you are given a choice to wipe your slate clean and start from the word 'go' what all will you change in your life? Often, we have a long list of regrets that we want to forget, there are things we wanted to do but couldn't, some mistakes we wanted to rectify. Whatever happened in the past cannot be changed, but living in regret forever or cursing oneself or feeling bad about the decisions that were not taken isn't the solution. 

If you truly want to start over and wipe the slate clean, start with forgiveness. No, not forgiving others kind, but forgiving yourself, the most difficult kind of forgiveness. It is often easy to forgive others, but to forgive your own self, that's the most difficult thing to do, especially if you are someone with a strong sense of conscience. However, if you do not forgive yourself, you will never be able to find out who you are, as you will always be under the burden of your guilt, justified or not, that's secondary. 

I know it's tough. I have been there. When I wanted to forgive myself, I didn't know what to do. As I introspected, I realized I was doing what I thought was right at that moment. And, when I knew I had screwed up, I didn't know how to make everything alright. Sometimes, when I tried, I made everything even worse. So, I realized, no matter what I will do, I will make some or the other mistake, I will hurt someone or the other. There cannot be a perfect me, and even if I try my best to put everything alright I cannot control everything. So, the best thing to do, thus, is to accept what it is, and forgive myself for whatever I have done, knowingly or unknowingly, rather than living in guilt forever. Yes, of course, I promised to learn from it and hopefully, not repeat it again. That was the learning, and that was enough. That helped me to forgive myself, and I continue to do so, after every mistake that I make these days. Yes, I know I will still make mistakes, but I need to also allow myself that space to make them and find enough courage to forgive myself for them too. 

Maybe, that's what is mindful living, is it? 

Beyond the jargons, guess, it is about freeing yourself from everything, including the accumulated guilt. Go ahead, wipe the slate clean.

And hey, a 100 bad days made a 100 good stories...


  1. Wise words indeed. Being kind and forgiving to yourself is very challenging.



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