
Have you seen the Cadbury ads, based on the theme of "Do nothing". It is just such a nice thing to be useless at times. I mean why have that burden of being useful always, why do this and that and why have that constant pressure of being right. Sometimes, not doing anything and being useless could help in de-stressing too and just be with your own self.

There are studies now which says "Doing nothing" at times may help in increasing productivity and lessen burnouts. 

I like that philosophy. At times, being useless rather than being useful helps me in avoiding certain stressful situations or demanding work, wherein I know I will get exhausted just so that I could please the other person. What about my own peace of mind? That's when being useless could get you out of the situation. Of course, if the situation is urgent and demands immediate attention, you cannot be indifferent about it. You need to know what you want to do and what you want to avoid. 

Point is, it is good to take a break from being "goody two shoes" at times. It's okay if they think you are an ass***e.

Instead of a song today, here's the latest innovative ad by 5-Star. It's super funny and cheeky :D


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