
Be Bold. Always. That's the mantra to live the way you want to or else others will start dictating the terms of your own life to you. They will be soon in the driving seat, and you won't even be asked for navigation. You are literally giving away your power, your life to someone else. How foolish is that?

If you don't like something, be bold enough to say you don't like it. Have the courage to refuse to do things that you don't want to. Else you will end up doing things that you don't want to do. And, even start hearing others complain how you are not doing the thing that you didn't even want to do properly! Save yourself from all that unnecessary pressure. Just be bold and say, "NO", loud and clear.

Time and again we are presented with certain opportunities in life - better career prospects, lifestyle, life partner et al. - and time and again we refuse to take the plunge, for the fear of unknown, fear of taking risk, and sometimes, innate guilt of choosing something for our own good. If only we can become bold and take that decision for ourselves, we could stop all that regret that we may feel later in life. 

At times we get restrained by the society, conventions, parents, peers and even our own selves. Being bold means breaking all these shackles and becoming un-apologetically you! 

Whenever I feel suffocated, I hear this song on repeat, it gives me the much needed strength to go on... Though, I prefer Rishi Panda's version, but sharing Shantanu Moitra's as it has English translation.


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