Spiritual journey

This is one topic I don't talk about much, and seldom publicly. Maybe, discuss it with a very select few, and that too, in a measured manner. Why? I believe spiritual journeys are immensely personal in nature. Everyone has a different journey chartered for them, and no two paths are same. It could have similar features, and sometimes, two people do walk the same path for some time, but at the end of it, it is an individual's journey. 

I get a little jittered whenever someone talks about spirituality. Often these people sound so condescending or pompous, making the other person uncomfortable. I usually act dumb with such people and let them carry on with their long-speeches filled with jargons, theories and opinions that they think are right, and that everyone should follow them. I had a particular mentor who wanted me to follow some daily practice that he was hell-bent on teaching me. I was not comfortable and hence avoided him altogether. 

Not saying that there aren't any nice guides too. I have met some, albeit they are rare, and they have helped me in providing me the answer that I was searching for at that moment. They have come into my life at appropriate time, providing me the right push, the guidance that I required at that time, to further my journey. 

I don't want to talk about what my journey had been or what all I have learnt so far, instead, I just want to say that it is worth a shot. As much difficult or painful the process is, it does provide certain sense of peace and contentment, and most importantly, help us in finding our identity. 

Another thing, people often confuse religion with spirituality. You don't need to be religious or even believe in the concept of God to be spiritual. Spirituality is more of a journey inwards, to find your true identity, to understand your connection with other living beings, with the universe in general. It is about realizing yourself beyond your physical aspects, and understanding how all of us are energy beings. How that realization comes, how we get to our destination, is up to each individual. There is no right path, and anyone who tells you otherwise is basically fooling you and themselves. Often it is better to listen to your own inner self, and be open to the possibilities of the universe, the answers are always provided, in several forms, you just have to ask.

Anytime, I feel disturbed, I listen to this song on a loop. It just calms me instantly. The song has a special place because at a time when I was completely muddled, I had visited Hazrat Nizamuddin Aulia Dargah and had found solace there. In fact, that visit opened several doors for me to meet up with some awesome people who helped me in finding my path. Hope each one of you find your path too.💓


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