
I love it when people make intelligent, yet witty remarks. It makes you think to actually get the humor. Okay, I may sound like an intellectual snob, but it's tough to talk normal at times, listening to people as they bitch about other people's lives and stuff. 

I am kind of nerdy. I love pop-culture, latest technology, Marvel movies, DC movies, sci-fi and dyspotic movies, science in general. I mean I sometimes read Quantum Physics just for the heck of it. My mind is always buzzing with something or the other. It needs constant intellectual stimulation, and it just bores me out to talk normal, most times. Reason why, I am not that social. Yes, I have my spurts of making an appearance, doing chit-chats and then sliding through the exit for some peaceful mind-wanderings.

It's tough to be an introvert, who loves to talk too. Yeah, ironical, but it's true. I would love to talk to someone who is also crazy enough to talk about everything under the sky, and would jump from one topic to another just like that, always making witty observations in an intelligent manner. And, every time such a remark is made, I could finally say, "Touché". 

Waiting to say it for a long time - Touché. It's tough life to be a woman who is kinda nerdy 😅

I know there had been a lot of criticism around this movie, but I loved it. Thor getting a closure was too cute. And, well, it's Guns N' Roses man!


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