

What will you do if your partner cheats on you? Would you walk out of the relationship or forgive them and give it another shot? 

To each their own. Sometimes, it is a spur-of-a-moment attraction and sometimes it's a carefully planned lie. How does one discern which is what and whether one is supposedly "better" than the other? At times, situations take precedence for your decision more than your self-respect and value. Somehow, instead of facing the eye-of-the-storm, if the approach is to run away from the impending storm, then you will forever try to outrun the storm without any success. 

Isn't it then better to face the situation head-on. See the spade for the spade and do what is best for you. Often, things are not simple, but then again, sometimes, we make them too complicated. 

Life is delicate and even a single blow of deception can shatter it to pieces. It's how we live, how we love, that's what will ever matter. 

Despite being a sensitive topic, the one song that has stuck like an earworm is "Achchha Sila Diya Toone Mere Pyar Ka" 🤦. Bollywood does it in extremes, too many bewafas and Devdas-es. Wonder why we don't have songs sung by a drunk Paro?

Anyway, this song is somewhat cathartic, it's cynical and yet hard hitting, the perils of living in a world that is full of deceit. Really, yeh duniya agar mil bhi jaye toh kya hai?


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