
Is the institute of marriage losing its relevance? Is it true that newer generations, especially Gen Z, are not too thrilled about the concept of marriage? In fact, it is sad to see Gen Z being apathetic to romance and dating as well. Yes, they are pragmatic, and focused towards their career. I love to see them hustle, and at times do too many things at a go. Sometimes, it scares me the way these kids are rushing onwards that they may burn themselves out too soon. 

In their thrust to achieve too much in less amount of time, they are not forging any lasting relationships. Everything is so transient, even friendships. Also, most of these kids are the only child, and without even the support structure of a sibling in sight, are we looking at an alienated society, with individualistic people, who may or may not be too happy with their lives, living on their own? It does make me sad.

But, can we blame them? Aren't the older generations and the breaking societal order to be blamed? Look at the abysmal divorce rate, world over. As per statistics, Luxembourg, a small country in Europe, has the highest divorce rate at 87 per cent! Divorces are increasing at an alarming rate in India too, though it has the lowest divorce rate in the world - at 1 per cent. However, given the sheer population of the country, that 1 per cent can run into millions. 

So, what's the problem? Could be many, but most marriages that I have seen failing are because they just rushed into it, some just got married for the heck of it, some under pressure. No one was really sure of what they were doing. And then the big factor, compromise. Marriage is synonym to compromise, whether we like to hear it or not. And, it is also true with most relationships in any case. If you are living with a room-mate, won't you be making compromises? Somehow, when it comes to marriage, no one is ready to compromise. Traditionally, a woman made most of the compromises in a relationship, but with empowerment and financial independence, that is witnessing a rapid decline. Fluid gender roles are also no longer valid. People are forever dissatisfied. The want for something more is also driving everyone apart. 

However, maybe not all is lost. People are still getting married. Some are celebrating major milestones too. So, guess, marriage as an institution will survive, at least till the foreseeable future, as it does give some stability and structure to the society. 

Now the big question - What do I think of marriage? I never really understood this concept much and frankly, I don't think one needs any validation to live with someone they love. Sure, it is convenient to get married for legal reasons or for children, but other than that, what's the point? 

Guess the important thing is to choose to be with someone you really want to be with, someone you love, cherish, respect and want to share your life with - good or bad. Rest, nothing else really matters. 

In India, we are a country obsessed with weddings, and forever wanting to suggest every single person to get married. And yes, along with being a multi-billion dollar business, our movies are not complete without wedding songs. While everyone loves the over-the-top Bollywood songs, my personal favorite is this soothing song from 2 States. Enjoy!


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