

Is life a series of desires? From the very moment that we are born, we desire, desire for fresh air to breath or the life-giving mother's milk. If for argument's sake we keep the basic needs aside and don't count them as desires, even then, at every step of the way we are asking for something or the other. 

Even the early men desired for a secure place to live, protected from wild animals and elements of nature. They desired for plenty of food and water. As humans evolved, their desires also became complex. No longer it was about the simple necessities in life, the material need became manifold as humans started settling in one place. As the society progressed, these needs were further accentuated with emotional requirements. And, these days, desires have become limitless, just as accessibility has become easy.

The need to have more just doesn't end. Can we blame it on us being humans? Maybe we are wired so. Even the ones who have seemingly left the worldly pleasures, are also desiring to find the ultimate answer, a way out of life's miseries. Spiritual seekers are also desiring - peace of mind, completeness. There is nothing called being contended with what we have, and that's kind of impossible to achieve too. 

As long as we have a human body, with a conscious mind, we will have desires. We can't deny them. Yes, maybe, we can keep a check on them, but that's about it. 

So, what do you desire the most?

There is this beautiful ghazal of Mirza Ghalib - Hazaaron khwahishen aisi ke har khwahish pe dam nikle, Bohat niklay mere armaan, lekin phir bhi kam nikle, which roughly translates to There are thousands of desires and each worth dying for... though many of them have been realized...yet I yearn for more... This song is an epitome of human desires and wants, but today I want to share another one, this song is more personal, because the desire is also personal... Hope you like it... :)


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