Karma, God and Belief

Do you believe in Karma? Do you often wonder how you are punished for your not-so-good intentions in a moment’s notice? How your good deeds are always rewarded?

Now, what if we take this concept a bit further and apply it to the theory of past lives. Often, we go through terrible problems and issues in our lives without any idea about why we are going through those things. We have always done good for others, yet we go through pain, why so? Would then the past life theory become applicable. Maybe, for the sake of hypothesis, you had committed some sin or misdeeds in your past life, and that is why you are undergoing issues in this life to balance your karma.

So, the big question is what is Karma? Is it a kind of balance sheet for our souls or a spanking rod that keeps us in check? It is actually a learning platform. Karma is not there for punishing you, but to let you know your mistakes and gives you a chance to rectify them or learn from them.

However, some Karmas are difficult to live with. For instance, if someone has committed a murder, as per spiritual laws, the murderer and the person who was killed, need to come back and balance their karmas by being a loving relationship, such as that of a husband and wife! Love here is again the key to resolve the issues of the soul. These transactions need to be completed before one actually moves on. Sometimes, we do such transactions without knowing about them, and sometimes knowingly.

Then again, there are some stories of the souls that remain unfinished. Some souls keep lingering because they do not let go of themselves. It becomes extremely painful for such souls.

Life seems like a blip when compared to the larger cosmos. And, what all tensions and negative sentiments we accumulate even in that blip. Instead, that blip should be so strong and filled with light, that it should force the almighty source to take notice of that blip and ask it to rest forever.

Here comes the concept of God. Does He exist? To each his own. For me, He might, for you He might not. However, even in your rejection, you do acknowledge that there might be something called a God, whom you are refusing to believe or rejecting to accept its existence. The idea of God, however, still exists, it is what you perceive of it that makes the difference. So, an atheist, in principle is also acknowledging the concept of God by rejecting the idea of its existence.

Have you ever wondered why some people reject God? Why they do not believe that God exists? Is it because they know the truth of their existence or has seen the ultimate reality of life? If that had been the case, they would have ceased to exist only. So, it means these people are rejecting the idea of God based on their past experiences about God. Maybe, they were forced to be part of religious ceremonies as kids which they detested, or they lost faith in God due to certain mishaps in their lives.

No one can advocate anyone to believe in God. That is something very personal. You either believe in something or you don’t. No one can force you to believe.

Only thing important here is to believe in yourself, even if you do not believe in anybody or anything else in your life. You will get answers to all your questions within yourself.


  1. Ah we had the same topic today! Your thoughts here are different than mine but I like them and they are not mutually exclusive! Bless you.

  2. Thanks so much. Please share your blog's link, would love to read your thoughts on the topic too :)

  3. http://fantasywriterguy.blogspot.com/2020/04/kindness.html


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