With you
If anytime you feel
You are too tired
Unable to go on anymore
You will find me
Beside you
No matter the path
You choose
Your demons are yours
You need to slay them
Each time you fall
You have to get up
The bruises are real
So is the healing
Know it's all You
I can't take away
Your pain and hurt
They are what make you
Let that purge you
To help you emerge
Someone who is really You
You will find me
At the milestones
When you are too tired to walk
Take my hand
And sit with me
To celebrate You
In silence
As the sun rises
In the horizon
A new day beckons you
We will say our goodbyes
As you walk again
Filled with love
To find one true You.
When you will reach the finish line
Wearing your scars as badges
I will be there
Cheering you on
For the warrior will
Finally reach home
Conquering the self, the mightiest.
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