When I found the Rebel

Years ago when I was struggling to find a footing for myself, trying to understand where do I stand in this world order, I found this beautiful book, "The Rebel" by Osho. 

My alienation, doubt and despair found an exit route through the words of Osho. Pick it up, if the following words resonate with you too...

"A rebel is a fighter, a warrior... The rebel remains in the society, but he is no longer part of the society. That is his renunciation, and that is his rebelliousness. He is not stubborn, he is not adamant, he is not an egoist; he just does not go on fighting blindly. If he finds something right, he obeys it, but he obeys his own feeling of rightness, not the commandment given by others. And if he sees that it is not right, he disobeys it – whatsoever the cost may be. He may accept a crucifixion, but he will not accept any spiritual slavery. The situation of the rebel is tremendously exciting. Each moment he is faced with problems because the society has a fixed mode, a fixed pattern, fixed ideals, and the rebel cannot go with those fixed ideals – he has to follow his own still small voice. If his heart is saying no, there is no way, no power, to force him to say yes. You can kill him, but you cannot destroy his rebellious spirit. A rebel lives naturally, responds naturally, becomes at home and at ease with existence. He is an existential being. That defines the rebel correctly – the existential being. Existence is his temple, existence is his holy scripture, existence is his whole philosophy. He is not an existentialist, he is existential; it is his experience."

Last year discovered this gem. It's beautiful... Nothing expresses better than music...


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