Will I ever become a published author?

I am a writer, editor and strategist. I have been writing since I was 10 years old. I have written numerous poems, short stories, articles, blogs, white papers, research papers etc. etc. etc. However, in one aspect, I have been failing myself constantly, that is, being a published author.

I dream to hold a book with my name printed on it as the author, and despite having varied ideas, somehow, I fail to execute them. I constantly keep pushing this one major bucketlist item to the bottom of the list. I keep questioning myself, why do I do it?

I don't have dearth of ideas. I have been writing for years, I certainly know how to write and edit. Then, why do I just do not start writing and finish a book?

The answer could be in the following questions:

1. Am I afraid of being judged by what I will write?
2. Am I scared that I will fail miserably as an author?
3. Am I focused on other priorities in my life / career that I cannot give sufficient time to write a book?
4. Am I plain lazy?

These are the uncomfortable questions I need to ask myself, and maybe one day, when I know for sure what is driving me away from my first book, I will finally overcome it and fulfil my dream to become a published author.

If you have any other questions that I need to ask myself / tips / suggestions to overcome my hurdle of becoming a published author, please share them in the comments section. I look forward to your suggestions. Thanks so much.


  1. I can't help you as I'm not an writer. But there are a lot of authors participating at the Challenge, maybe they will help, or just make you feel more confident.
    Believe in yourself ;)

    And join the fun at the A to Z Challengers Linky Party:
    A to Z Challengers Linky Party
    to find them all

    1. Thanks so much Frédérique. Guess I do need to hear some encouraging words more often :)

      Visited your blog, loved your creative patchwork and quilting designs. I will surely spend more time on the blog. All the best!

  2. I struggled with this for years, too. And, eventually, gave up on the dream. So, I don't think I have much to offer you as good advice! I think, for me, it's that I can't control that last step of the dream, no matter how hard I work. I can write the best thing in the world and it still might not be published. Still, that's not really an excuse that should stop me from writing the best thing in the world! Who knows? I may adopt that dream again as a project for my 60s.

    1. Let's keep the dream alive. I am sure we will someday become published authors :)

  3. I think that it is so easy to get caught up in life's busyness that we miss the important steps along the way to achieving our bigger goals. It's something I'm focused on now in my own journey to bring more bliss into my life. Weekends In Maine

    1. I agree with you completely. Sometimes, we are just too busy focusing on other things that we miss out on what's really important for us. Great to know, you have been able to focus on a more peaceful way of life, all the best :)


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