It's only been a couple of years ago that I heard this millenial abbreviation - BS - when Emma González, a survivor of 2018 Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida gave a speech against gun violence, slamming the inaction of the politicians and stated, "We call B.S." It became a war-cry and went viral throughout the states amonst the youngsters fighting for gun-control laws.

It was such an empowering speech, where the teen could call upon the politicians through the media and state what it was - complete bullshit. She used the millenial lingo BS, which she knew would not be beeped or edited, and yet, would reach her intended audience, the youth of the country.

Sometimes, we need such trickery to let the world know what it means to stand against the stupidity, greed or evil intentions of a select few.

In our current situation, I feel like emulating Emma, and scream from the terrace of our locked-down house - "We call BS". The intended audience, you know who you are!


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