Deadlines whooshing by...

It has to be poetic justice that I am writing about deadlines as I run against the clock to finish this fourth-day challenge, with a strong coffee in hand as I desperately try to control my low BP. Wow! This challenge is really becoming challenging now.

Well, most people get panicky about deadlines, not me. I love deadlines, the stringent the better. I could identify with what Douglas Adams had once famously said, “I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.”

Deadlines are like the fire that gets me going. It keeps me on my toes. Being in a creative domain, it is natural for writers to slack. We always take the liberty of saying, "I am getting a writer's block." But that doesn't work when you have a deadline to meet. Then, you got to be creative, whether you like it or not. Amusingly, I write the best when I have to submit something within the next 10 minutes!

So, deadlines...I love to beat them black and blue!


  1. Deadlines are incredibly motivating.

    1. True that Danielle...thanks for visiting :)

  2. I've always worked better against a deadline but I am beginning to panic about my next one - a 5/1 publication date for my WIP novella (only 1/3 written). Eeek!!

    DB McNicol, author & traveler
    A-Z Theme: Oh, the places we will go!

  3. I always need to be done well before the actual deadline approaches otherwise it's too stressful for me. I do seem to set my own internal deadlines frequently as well. Deadlines are motivating. WeekendsInMaine

    1. Absolutely Karen, they are motivating, and it's fun to beat them too :)


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