Apologizing is not an art. And, come to think of it, it is not even a science. It is just an expression of admitting to that stupidly dumb thing you had done, which could have been otherwise avoided. Then, why is it so hard to apologize? There could be multiple reasons, but the prime one is you know you have screwed up, you don’t want to face the ramifications, there could be explosives at the other end, and you don’t want to basically face the music. But that’s the escapist route. I think the best way to apologize is to apologize the moment you know you have done something wrong. Don’t linger it. Because not only you are prolonging someone’s pain, but you are also pushing your luck too far! Next comes the question, how? That’s simple too. Just tell the person that you are sorry. There isn’t any need for prolonged explanations, bouquets of flowers, boxes of chocolates or expensive gifts. A simple and sincere ‘I am sorry’ is enough to let the other person know that you had...
For this year's AtoZ challenge, I am planning to focus on various emotions, feelings, quality, phrases or situations in life and end the post with a song that I feel may evoke that particular emotion/word/phrase. Usually, I have written with the flow, but this time, I want to push myself. Let's see where this heads towards :) Acceptance. Isn't this the most important, yet the most difficult thing to do in life? It is tough to accept ourselves and each other as we are, to look beyond our biases and insecurities, and even to accept certain situations in life. While our first reaction to difficult situations in life mostly is denial, it takes us time to reach to a stage of accepting the eventualities and thereafter look for solutions or moving beyond the situation. Acceptance is almost never the first reaction, and it is understandable. For us, survival is the key and the fight, flight or freeze response is our way of tackling with an issue at that particular moment. If onl...
I am a writer, editor and strategist. I have been writing since I was 10 years old. I have written numerous poems, short stories, articles, blogs, white papers, research papers etc. etc. etc. However, in one aspect, I have been failing myself constantly, that is, being a published author . I dream to hold a book with my name printed on it as the author, and despite having varied ideas, somehow, I fail to execute them. I constantly keep pushing this one major bucketlist item to the bottom of the list. I keep questioning myself, why do I do it? I don't have dearth of ideas. I have been writing for years, I certainly know how to write and edit. Then, why do I just do not start writing and finish a book? The answer could be in the following questions: 1. Am I afraid of being judged by what I will write? 2. Am I scared that I will fail miserably as an author? 3. Am I focused on other priorities in my life / career that I cannot give sufficient time to write a book? 4. Am ...
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