Surviving quarantine: Stop snapping at each other

We are living in one of the most unprecedented times of the modern world. We are being gripped by fear and uncertainty, holed up in our homes and have no knowledge of what tomorrow will bring. In India, we are in a lockdown for 21 days, with very limited access to the outside world. Our only relief being the balcony (if any) of our homes. 

We are squeezed inside our houses with our significant others, parents and children. While we do love and care for them, living perpetually with our family under the same roof, day-after-day, without breaking the monotony with an occasional visit from friends or neighbors, is a tough job.  

All our frustrations and irritations come to the fore. We are forever trying to find faults in each other, which is amplified with us snapping at each other for even slightest of irritation. We need to understand it is a tough time for all of us, and no matter what, we have to go-through these days with our immediate family.  

Instead of making it a painful experience, it is up to us how we want to utilize this opportunity to create a deeper bond with our near-and-dear ones. If you want to survive quarantine, it's time to stop snapping at each other, right now. 


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